I've posted about this before but just wanted to send out a reminder to all those who may be stressed out about the HIGH produce prices in grocery stores lately. I about died when I went to the store and checked out the produce prices the other day. Sure, if you catch a sale then you're good... and maybe if you shop around to lots of stores you can swap in a little of everything from all around town. However, lately (with three kiddos in tow) this hasn't been happening. I am lucky to make one shopping trip a week to Fry's using my coupons (and even then I could be doing much better!)
I've also heard good things about farmer's markets. I know there is one here in CG Tuesdays and Saturdays... but neither of those days are good for me... and once again 3 kiddos under 2 in tow... I get tired just thinking about that!
So here is my solution: BOUNTIFUL BASKETS. It's a co-op. You have to order by Tuesday evening to get a basket on Saturday. You don't get to pick what goes into the basket, but I am telling you it is well worth the $15. I would say you easily get twice the value. Plus they have good deals on cases of veggies/fruits when they are in season which is good if you're into canning/freezing.
So tomorrow morning I will happily pick up my basket & enjoy the delicious (mostly local) fruits & veggies over the next week or so!
** I was not compensated in any way for this post**